Sunday, November 20, 2016

The Pain of Trekking

Rock on the rock on the rock is a hill
Uphill is to climb on the rock on the hill
On the top of the hill, at our feet are all
Hilarious, jubilant, exulting, we're above all

Tip of the top of the hill is not all
Lonely, the mind isn't willing to be that tall
Descend, descend and descend, we're with all
Hilarious, jubilant, exulting, all at our fall

On the plains, back from the hill, we're in pain
First on the feet, up on the knee, up is the pain
On the hip, on the rib, in the chest, we're in pain
All joints, all nerves, all cells, it's all pain

No problem, it's temporary, we'll be alright
What's the problem? Is climbing not right?
It's not a habit. That's the problem.
Hardwork as a habit, is never a problem.

Be true trekkers, mountaineers in real life.

Discipline, Financial Penalty and Success

Every educational institution is primarily a training house. Good institutions transfer good values to the students/trainees that are good f...