Monday, December 14, 2020

Computer and Internet can wait

 As a toddler, I started writing with my fingers on a spread of rice.

Now, when I look behind, the tool and the platform I left on the road less travelled by were  many. They kept changing as I grew up even without my knowledge. Each of these tools and the platform brings in nostalgic memories. Much more are the various thinking processes I had gone through while handling them. Each of them takes me through my formative years from being a toddler to a teacher. Let me list down the writing tools and platforms I used over the last four decades.
  1. Finger and Rice
  2. Pencil and Slate
  3. Graphite Pencil and Paper
  4. Graphite Pencil and Paper/Notebook
  5. Fountain Pen and Notebook
  6. Ballpoint Pen and Notebook
  7. Typewriter and Paper
  8. Keyboard and Computer
  9. Mobile
  10. Voice
  11. Stylus and tablet
I still use the graphite pencil and sheets of paper to draw and sometimes to write. It gives us the flexibility to correct our errors without any hurt. Many authors used to tell me that they use graphite pencils for writing. It is quite a challenging task to leave computers and the Internet. On some days you can experiment with the pencil and paper. Do not forget to keep an eraser next to you.

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