It is wonderful to write. It is even wonderful to write on a regular manner. Here are some tips to make writing as a habit.
#Tip 1
Computer and Internet can wait: Write in a paper using a pencil without looking at a computer or using the internet.
#Tip 2
Develop a skeleton for each day.
#Tip 3
Focus on some keywords.
#Tip 4
One day at a time.
#Tip 5
Include a minimum of three new words.
#Tip 6
Aim a sentence of 11 words at a time.
#Tip 7
An explanation is not a luxury.
#Tip 8
Infuse positivity in writing by intentionally inserting pleasant words.
#Tip 9
Email what you have written, to some of your best friends.
#Tip 10
Believe in yourself. You are an excellent writer.