Friday, July 26, 2013


Poverty is a creation
It's a situation
It's an attitude

All poor are rich in poverty
All rich are poor in riches

Who am I?
A rich poor?
A poor rich?

The power of poverty,
God of all poverty,
Grant me enough!

Make me rich in poverty,
God of all riches!



  1. And poverty lessens our worries much;
    Account to God will be much easier;
    Poverty gives the saint a divine touch;
    In poverty, poets can fly higher!

  2. Joe, enormous buildings with WiFi stuff, galaxy cells and modern tabs, frequent coffees and yo-yo looks...
    Facing the waves in an ocean of luxury... you can't but drink rich salt water....
    So let's redefine POVERTY as RESPECT for God and men...that's it...Be Practical...!!!


Discipline, Financial Penalty and Success

Every educational institution is primarily a training house. Good institutions transfer good values to the students/trainees that are good f...